
Posts Tagged with "Lent"

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Christ’s Example of Service


John 13:14-15 If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you....

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Tug of War


In our world today we see a tug of war when it comes to the values of the world and those of the crucified Savior. We are being pulled, and sometimes pushed into places of compromise. ...

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God of Hope


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope....

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Empty Yourself


Like Jesus we are called to empty ourselves, to take on the cares and concerns of others. To walk in the shoes and stories of someone else. ...

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Lent Day 40: Going the Wrong Direction


Many of you may have taken a wrong road in life, but today Jesus is giving us the sign of his love and he is inviting you and me to turn around and come home. ...

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Lent Day 39: Is the Lord Among Us?


We are prone to forget the Lord who has delivered us from perilous times in our lives...

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Lent Day 38: The Hidden Power of Christ


It is the hidden power of Christ that really moves mountains in our lives. ...

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Lent Day 37: No Cheap Imitations


Let us not settle for imitation faith because it is cheaper. But let us choose the discipline of true life....

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Lent Day 36: Life Out of Death


The wonderful truth of the gospel is that God through Jesus Christ brings life out of death. ...

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Lent Day 35: No Condemnation


There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus...

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Lent Day 34: Consider Your Calling


We have always been called to live counter to the social systems of the day. That could not be more true than right now in our nation’s history. ...

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Lent Day 33: Waking Up to God’s Love


As we journey through this life, we have moments when the light bulb comes on and lets us know there is a better way to live and leave the lesser things behind. ...

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Lent Day 32: Ordinary Problems, Extraordinary Power


We all need to be reminded that while we have ordinary problems and we are ordinary people, our lives are infused and informed by an extraordinary power that allows us to overcome these challenges. ...

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Lent Day 31: With God All Things are Possible


Deliver us from the shackles of “yes, but” and free us to sing songs of miracles. ...

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Lent Day 29: Waiting


God uses waiting as his way to prepare us for the future he has for us...

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Lent Day 26: Finding Promise Through Pain


Out of adversity come great opportunities to trust and depend on God. Let us allow this season to be a new season where our pain propels us to experience his promises and our possibilities in him. ...

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Lent Day 25: Turning Deserts into Green Pastures


Jesus meets us in places that we least expect it. He takes our deserts and makes them a place of green pasture, where we can lie down and rest. ...

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Lent Day 24: Blessings Despite Suffering


Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Sometimes it can be hard to see and embrace that we are blessed, based on what we see sometimes. But rest assured from our text today, God wants us to be blessed. ...

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Lent Day 23: God’s Plans Are Better Than Ours


Many of us start out with grand plans in life, and many of them are good plans, but God always has the best plans for our lives. ...

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Lent Day 22: Slow Down


As we move through our Lenten journey lets allow the Lord to slow us down and simplify our lives, even as it relates to beginning and maintaining a relationship with him. ...

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Lent Day 21: We Are Not in Control


When the days are darkest, and we have tried everything to fix it, or change it. It is in these moments that we are ready for the Lord Jesus to step in and bring about a change. ...

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Lent Day 20: Walking in Our Brokenness


New life will occur only if we are willing to walk with Jesus, in our honest brokenness before Jesus and our honest fellowship with others in that brokenness. ...

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Lent Day 19: Sing a New Song


We all want a fresh start to life as we look to Easter and the season of Spring. This is the time for the church to be the church and take the risk to be courageous and sing the song that is the power of the gospel, as an affirmation that will not let the world remain as it is. ...

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Lent Day 18: Hidden Ministry


With God public and private ministry are all the same. It all is dependent on his power. And he alone determines the preparation and then the practical execution of that power. ...

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Lent Day 17: Starting Over


Like Nicodemus we have to be willing to let go of all the things we depend on to make us self-sufficient. We have to start over as vulnerable, innocent and dependent people. Otherwise, we will remain cutoff from the life that God offers us in Jesus Christ. ...

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Lent Day 14: Receiving God’s Gift of Love


During our forty-day journey of the Lenten season, people often consider what they have to give up as a way to be closer to God. While those disciplines can be helpful, if practiced in the wrong spirit, it can be performance driven in an attempt to earn or win the favor of God. We can never earn God’s love, but we receive it as a gift from Him. ...

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Lent Day 12: Hearing God’s Voice in the Darkness


During this season of Lenten reflection, allow yourself to be open to hear the voice of God, even at night. ...

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Lent Day 11: Respect the Presence of God


It is one thing to be in the presence of the king. It is quite another to be in the presence of “The King” of all creation. ...

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Lent Day 9: Make Room for the Other


It will be challenging to be inclusive of “the other”, but it is a risk that we have been called to take as followers of Christ. ...

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Lent Day 8: God’s Faithfulness


In spite of our failures in the past, God wants to remind us of his willingness to give us a second chance. ...

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Lent Day 7: When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong


It is in the places where we are most vulnerable and incapable of overcoming so many challenges on our own, that Christ’s power is most readily seen and revealed to us and through us....

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Lent Day 6: Grace and Mercy On God’s Terms


If we are going move beyond our failures into God’s prosperous future for us in Christ, to experience His way of graciousness and mercy, it will be on God's terms, and not ours. ...

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Lent Day 5: Come, Everyone Who Thirsts


There is a water that will satisfy their spiritual thirst, and ours, that comes at no cost to us. While this free water that gives life, and satisfies our thirst is offered free to us, it cost Jesus Christ his life to make it free to us. ...

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Lent Day 1: Avoid Assimilation


In our churches today we have to be careful that we are not “assimilated” into the culture and loss our identity in Christ. It is for that reason that we should consider a type of lenten season as we prepare for Easter....

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Lent Day 4: Temptation


As we walk this journey together, we are assured of God’s presence, comfort and “assuring voice.” But along this journey we encounter another voice that seeks to derail our future. ...

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Lent Day 2: “On the Road Again”


A famous country singer named Willie Nelson has a popular song entitled, “On the Road Again.” It's a song that talks about the journey of life you take with people as you travel through life. As believers we are all on a journey with Christ and one another....

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Lent Day 3: Do Not Be Anxious


With so many things to be anxious about in the world, and no way to really make any of these events stop on our own, maybe we should take a new approach to life, not in the absence of the problems that plague us, but in the midst of them. ...

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