
Chosen - Part 3

John 15 16

You will notice several important themes in the John 15.

First, that fruit bearing is very important part of the Christian life. This fruit is the fruit of Spiritual life that is found in Christ when we are connected to him.   Galatians 5:22-23. The fruit of the spirit. Fruit is referenced 8 times in this passage.

Secondly, we are also called to abide in the Lord or remain in Him. As we abide in him and he abides in us we can bear this fruit, notice also the fruit is not temporary but ongoing fruit, abiding fruit, and much fruit.  In this our Father is glorified, that our lives are continually growing and producing fruit.  This fruit is demonstrated in the love we have for one another.

A possible meaning of this fruit-filled life is effortless resting in the Lord; being confident in the promise of the union with the Father and the branches. Abiding, on-going fruit and loving obedience. Fruit is also referring to spiritually generated behavior of a Christian, or possibly people influenced by the life of the believer. 

Both are possible considering if we are manifesting spiritually generated behavior, we will have a profound impact on the culture and society. One author comments that fruit is our spiritual behavior in being connected to the vine, (Jesus Christ).

Mind you, fruit bearing is not church membership, association, or affiliations, but growing in the likeness of Christ (i.e. fruit of the Spirit).

Thirdly, we are called to love one another as he has loved us. We are also called the friends of God.   He is the friend that sticks closer than a brother.

I hope in this opening blog you can begin to see that no matter your circumstances, surroundings, success or failures that when we know who we are we can rest in Him as His Chosen vessel. Take a few moments and review all that you are and all that he has made you for and prepare for the next installment as we explore what it means to be chosen in Him and how this is displayed in our everyday experience. 

May the Lord bless you and Keep you!     


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