Chosen - Part 1
We want to welcome you to our new and improved website. One of the new features that we are providing is a blog feature that allows you to receive encouraging message and words of support to help you think through and mediate on throughout the day. Part of our church mission is to “Lift Up” people in a very positive and supportive way. We hope you enjoy this new feature. Please feel free to share this site with family and friends. Your comments are also welcome to help us provide the content and support you need for your spiritual journey of faith with God. We are here to support you!
As we move into this new normal we all look forward to what the Lord has in store for us and the expectation of greater intimacy and wonderful insight. But we are also faced with the looming challenges of today and the battles we will have to face going forward as the year unfolds.
Our country needs the church’s spiritual wisdom and input. The only way our country is going to turn around is when the people of God are the people of God.
To that end, in order for us to be the people of God we have to confidently walk in the true fullness and essence of who we are, and that will be as the Chosen people of God.
Too many of us are living, as I like to call it, lives of quiet desperation. God has called each of us to greatness in our own sphere of influence and yet we find ourselves living far beneath the privilege and calling that God has for each one of us.
When we have a clear sense of who we are and whose we are, we are able to courageously and confidently live out the person God has created you to be. Our identity is not predicated on the tenants of the world or dictates of the culture, but on the clear confidence that you have been chosen; energized with an eternal purpose that gives us a guiding light and expectant hope regardless of the circumstances and obstacles that we may face.
I’ll write more about being chose and delve into Christ’s conversation with the disciples in John 15 in part two of this blog.
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