Chosen - Part 2
In John 15:16 we find Jesus speaking to the disciples in what I consider one of the greatest discourses in scripture by our Lord. It starts in Chapter 14 and continues to chapter 17. When you have time you can read these 4 wonderful chapters in scripture.
When I was growing up in Cleveland Heights all the boys loved to plays sports. Any given day or weekend you would find us out on the field or playground like “Our Gang” of the little rascals, for those of you who remember the little rascals. We would meet at the field and pick up teams to play sports.
There would be two captains for the teams and they would select the players they wanted on their side. This was always fun to see who would get picked first and then who you were playing with.
This was particularly special when we played with the older kids and they wanted to have us on their teams. Being chosen was always a special feeling.
This is seen in the scripture before us, to know that God in Christ has chosen us to be a part of his family. Let’s read the scripture. John 15:16 (NASB)
“You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.”
The Greek word for choosing is “eklego”, meaning to select, make a choice. Select out, and the Hebrew word is “Bachar.” To choose, to select out, desire, preferred.
As we look at the context of the passage the Lord begins the chapter advising us that He is the vine and we are the branches. This is another wonderful affirmation of our identity in Christ. That we are the branches of God in Christ connected to Him, with the purpose to bear fruit.
You will notice several important themes in the chapter. We’ll explore those themes in part three of this blog series.
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